Total Public Videos
Total Visible Subscribers
Total Views
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.total_in_hours != null? (channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.total_in_hours | number:2) : 'Analysing' $}
Total Video Hours
Channel ID
Custom URL
06 Nov 2020
4.08 Years
{$ channelData.channel_playlists ? channelData.channel_playlists.length : 'Finding' $}
First Video Uploaded
{$ channelData.channel_details ? channelData.channel_details.first_video_published_at : 'Finding' $}
{$ channelData.channel_details.first_video_published_age $} ago
Last Video Uploaded
{$ channelData.channel_details ? channelData.channel_details.last_video_published_at : 'Finding' $}
{$ channelData.channel_details.last_video_published_age $} ago
Average Upload Interval
{$ channelData.channel_details ? channelData.channel_details.average_upload_interval + " - FL" : 'Finding' $}
{$ channelData.channel_details ? channelData.channel_details.average_upload_interval_from_channel_created + " - CT": 'Finding' $}
People who love to eat are always the best people!
Aramani Kitchen is where you will find healthy and delicious foods recipes. I come up with simple recipes with different varieties of cooking styles. You will love the taste, just give it a try!
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Analysing {$ totalChannelVideo $} videos. Please wait!
This may take {$ (totalChannelVideo / 40) | number:0$} seconds
{$ error $}
Made For Kids
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All Video Durations
Total Length
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.month - 1 $} months
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.day - 1 $} days
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.hour $} hours
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.minute $} minutes
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.second $} seconds
At 1.25x
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_25x.month - 1 $} months
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_25x.day - 1 $} days
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_25x.hour $} hours
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_25x.minute $} minutes
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_25x.second $} seconds
At 1.50x
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_50x.month - 1 $} months
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_50x.day - 1 $} days
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_50x.hour $} hours
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_50x.minute $} minutes
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_1_50x.second $} seconds
At 2x
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_2x.month - 1 $} months
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_2x.day - 1 $} days
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_2x.hour $} hours
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_2x.minute $} minutes
{$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.at_2x.second $} seconds
Channel Keywords
{$ channelData.channel_details.items[0].brandingSettings.channel.keywords $}
Featured Channels ({$ channelData.channel_details.items[0].brandingSettings.channel.featured_channel_details.pageInfo.resultsPerPage $})
Playlists ({$ channelData.channel_playlists.length $})
All Public Videos ({$ channelData.upload_playlist_details.videos.length $})
Sorted by: {$ sortTableColumnKey $}
Video | % in playlist | Stats | Analyse | |
{$ video.snippet.title $}
{$ $index + 1 $} | {$ video.snippet.publishedAtDate $}
{$ video.snippet.video_age $} ago
{$ (video.contentDetails.duration_hour / channelData.upload_playlist_details.duration.normal.total_in_hours) * 100 | number:2 $} %
{$ video.contentDetails.duration_time $}
{$ video.statistics.likeCount|kformat $} Likes {$ video.statistics.viewCount|kformat $} Views
Analyse on YTExplore |